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 2022-08-25 02:43  阅读 9

摘要:电影《卡萨布兰卡》主题曲是《as time goes by》,是Bertie Higgins唱的。 Bertie Higgins(贝蒂.希金斯),曾曾祖父是《浮士德》的作者,德国诗人哥德(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)。Bertie Higgins原名

  电影《卡萨布兰卡》主题曲是《as time goes by》,是Bertie Higgins唱的。  Bertie Higgins(贝蒂.希金斯),曾曾祖父是《浮士德》的作者,德国诗人哥德(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe)。Bertie Higgins原名 Elbert Joseph Higgins,他的血管中流着葡萄牙,爱尔兰和德国的血液,有着诗人般的才情,成长于美国弗罗里达的希腊居民区。代表作《卡萨布兰卡》电影的主题曲《时光流逝》,a kiss is not a kiss就是引用这首主题曲中的一句歌词。  歌曲外文名:as time goes by  简介:美国电影《卡萨布兰卡》主题曲  作词:赫尔曼·赫普费尔德  作曲:赫尔曼·赫普费尔德  歌手:Bertie Higgins  歌词:  You must remember this  A kiss is just a kiss  A sigh is just a sigh  The fundamental things apply  As time goes by  And when two lovers woo  They still say, "I love you"  On that you can rely  No matter what the future brings  As time goes by  Moonlight and love songs  Never out of date  Hearts full of passion  Jealousy and hate  Woman needs man  And man must have his mate  That no one can deny  it's still the same old story  A fight for love and glory  A case of do or die  The world will always welcome lovers  As time goes by  Moonlight and love songs  Never out of date  Hearts full of passion  Jealousy and hate  Woman needs man  And man must have his mate  That no one can deny  it's still the same old story  A fight for love and glory  A case of do or die  The world will always welcome lovers  As time goes by

关键字: 谁唱 / 卡萨布兰卡 / 贝蒂 / 金斯 / 
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