Me and my country can not be separated even for a moment No matter where I go all out of a hymn I sing, I sing every one mountain every river Smoke curl a small village on the road crossings That you use your mother's pulse and I tell My co...
if i were a boy even just for a day 哪怕仅仅只有一天,如果我是一个男孩, i'd roll out of bed in the morning 我会在清晨翻身下床, and throw on what i wanted and go 出门,并且想穿什么就穿什么。 drink...
Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing. It is the largest square in the world, with an area of 500000 square meters. The architectural history of new China should be written here, because it was born a few hours earlier than t...
You'll have to stand perfectly still You have to close your eyes And when I am finished I don't believe you can go Everyone else in the world Would love me by now Would love me from day one But not you Everyone else in the world Would love...
1、卫斯理,还有翻译是韦斯利 ,英文拼写是Wesley ,是一个普通的英文名。 2、但是香港的倪匡的小说里面,卫斯理是个地道的中国人哦。...
1、这没什么大不了 It's not a big deal.在加拿大经常听人这么说,特别在安慰别人的时候。...
Le Petit Prince是法语,意思就是小王子,英文应当是《The Little Prince》。《小王子》是法国作家圣埃克苏佩里写的著名小说,但它不只是写给小孩子看的,同样是写给大人看的。作者借由...
《dreaming my dreams》 她总是永远是自己独自歌唱的,因为她总是闭着眼睛去歌唱,有人戏虐的称呼一个唱歌的精灵。她善于把她的个性融于到她的歌声中,因为她直率的又那么真实。虽然...
1、英语是以下国家的官方语言:澳大利亚、巴哈马、爱尔兰、巴巴多斯、百慕大、圭亚那、牙买加、新西兰、圣克里斯多福及尼维斯、特立尼达和多巴哥、英国和美国。 2、英语是以下...
1、个人用过百度翻译、有道翻译、谷歌翻译,根据自己的感受来说,觉得还是谷歌翻译更胜一筹。 2、除此之外,前段时间一个比较火翻译网站在业内流行起来,话说这个翻译网站已经...