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 2022-09-03 06:04  阅读 24

摘要:Me and my country can not be separated even for a moment No matter where I go all out of a hymn I sing, I sing every one mountain every river Smoke curl a small village on the road crossings That you use your mother's pulse and I tell My co

Me and my country can not be separated even for a moment

No matter where I go all out of a hymn

I sing, I sing every one mountain every river

Smoke curl a small village on the road crossings

That you use your mother's pulse and I tell

My country and I like the sea, and spray a

Wave is the sea of the newborn baby sea wave that rely on

Whenever the sea I was laughing at the vortex of a smile

I shared with the sea of sadness about it to share the joy of the sea

关键字: 我的 / 我和 / 祖国 / 英文 / 歌词 / 印版 / 
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