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out of memory是什么意思(有outofimagination这种用法吗,是什么意思)

 2022-09-04 14:50  阅读 23

摘要:out of imagination有这种用法的,意思是:凭想像例如We stop doing ministry out of imagination and start doing ministry out of memory.He told police everything out of his imagination.他是凭想像把一切讲给警察的(其实

out of imagination有这种用法的,意思是:凭想像例如We stop doing ministry out of imagination and start doing ministry out of memory.He told police everything out of his imagination.他是凭想像把一切讲给警察的(其实他并没有目击事件的发生).

关键字: 意思 / 是什么 / 用法 / 这种 / memory / outofimagina / 
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