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 2022-08-27 13:11  阅读 3

摘要:my goal is to be a good english teacher. when i was very young, my uncle taught some simple oral english. such as how are you? i like it very much and so on. when i began to study at school, he taught me more and i stuied very hard. from th

my goal is to be a good english teacher. when i was very young, my uncle taught some simple oral english. such as how are you? i like it very much and so on. when i began to study at school, he taught me more and i stuied very hard. from then on i had the dream to be an excellent english teacher. now i am studying in high school. i am on the way to become an english teacher. i know i will study harder to make it come true. although there are some difficultied , i will never give up my wish.

我的目标是成为一名优秀的英语教师。在我还很小的时候,我的叔叔就教我一些简单的英语口语,比如你好吗? 我很喜欢等待。我开始上学的时候,他教的更多了我也学得更认真了。从那时起我就立志在成为一名优秀的英语教师。现在我正在上高中,我正在实现理想的道路上。不知道为了实现它我得更努力学习。跃然有很多的困难,但我不会放弃。

关键字: 作文 / 我的 / 翻译 / 英语 / 给我 / 谁能 / 一篇 / 目标 / 
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