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 2022-08-23 13:47  阅读 26

摘要:歌曲:《Immortality》 演唱:Celine Dion、Bee Gees( 席琳狄翁 比吉斯合唱团 ) 歌词: So this is who i am, And this is all i know, And i must choose to live, For all that i can give, The spark that makes the power


演唱:Celine Dion、Bee Gees( 席琳狄翁 & 比吉斯合唱团 )


So this is who i am,

And this is all i know,

And i must choose to live,

For all that i can give,

The spark that makes the power grow

And i will stand for my dream if i can,

Symbol of my faith in who i am,

But you are my only,

And i must follow on the road that lies ahead,

And i won't let my heart control my head,

But you are my only

We don't say goodbye,

And i know what i've got to be


I make my journey through eternity

I keep the memory of you and me inside

Fulfill your destiny,

Is there within the child,

My storm will never end,

My fate is on the wind,

The king of hearts,the joker's wild,

But we don't say goodbye,

We don't say goodbye

I'll make them all remember me

Cos i have found a dream that must come true,

Every ounce of me must see it though,

But you are my only

I'm sorry i don't have a role for love to play,

Hand over my heart i'll find my way,

I will make them give to me


There is a vision and a fire in me

I keep the memory of you and me,inside

And we don't say goodbye

We don't say goodbye

With all my love for you

And what else we may do

We don't say,goodbye……

关键字: 是什么 / 歌曲 / 经典 / 歌词 / 席琳 / 迪翁 / immortality / 
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