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 2022-09-06 12:29  阅读 4

摘要:汽车总动员》主题曲 Sheryl Crow Real Gone Sheryl Crow Real Gone Im American made, Bud Light, Chevrolet My momma taught me wrong from right I was born in the south Sometimes I have a big mouth When I see something that I dont like I

汽车总动员》主题曲 Sheryl Crow "Real Gone"

Sheryl Crow "Real Gone"

I'm American made, Bud Light, Chevrolet

My momma taught me wrong from right

I was born in the south

Sometimes I have a big mouth

When I see something that I don't like

I gotta say it

We been driving this road

For a mightly long time

Payin' no mind to the signs

Well this neighborhood's changed

It's all been rearranged

We left that change somewhere behind

Slow down, you're gonna crash

Baby you were screamin'

It's a blast, blast, blast

Look out babe you got your blinders on

Everybody's lookin' for a way

To get real gone, real gone

Real Gone

There's a new cat in town

He's got high paid friends

Thinks he's gonna change history

You think you know him so well

Yeah you think he's so swell

But he's just perpetuatin' prophecy

Come on now

Slow down, you're gonna crash

Baby you were screamin'

It's a blast, blast, blast

Look out, you got your blinders on

Everybody's lookin' for a way

To get real gone

Real gone

Real gone

Real gone

Well, you can say what you want

But you can't say it 'round here

'Cause they'll catch you and give you a whippin'

Well I belive I was right

When I said you were wrong

You didn't like the sound of that

Now did ya?

Slow down, you're gonna crash

Baby you were screamin'

It's a blast, blast, blast

Look out, you got your blinders on

Everybody's lookin' for a way

To get real gone

Well here I come, And I'm so not scared

Got my pedal to the metal

Got my hands in the air

Well look out, you take your blinders off

Everybody's lookin' for a way

To get real gone, real gone

Real Gone

Real Gone

Real Gone.

关键字: 汽车 / 歌词 / 主题曲 / 总动员 / 
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