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 2022-09-02 21:37  阅读 22

摘要:Dear Sirs, We have just received the Survey Report from Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau evidencing that all drums of apple juice weigh short by form 1 to 5 kilogram,totaling 300 kilogram. As the drums were intact, it is obvious that ap

Dear Sirs,

  We have just received the Survey Report from Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau evidencing that all drums of apple juice weigh short by form 1 to 5 kilogram,totaling 300 kilogram. As the drums were intact, it is obvious that apple juice was short weight before shipment.Under such circumstances, we have to file a claim against you to the amount of RMB

  850 plus inspection fee.

  we are enclosing the Survey Report No. TE(95)115 and looking for ward to your settlement at an early date.

  Yours faithfully.

  Jorn Thomas

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