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 2022-09-02 14:58  阅读 30

摘要:雅思口语是有套路的!! 虽说雅思口语是中国人最怕、也是得分最低的单项,但是真的是 有套路的 ! 其实在我看来,很多人的雅思口语分数不高,无非就是 两种情况 : ①你的口语水






其实雅思口语并没有你想象中那么难的!今天我们还是拿 ielts-simon 的网站的推送,直接解剖“套路”给大家看。

Part 1套路:拓展 拓展 拓展

首先看一个'free time at home' Topic,大家可以先看一下题目,最好自己先想想会怎么说,也可以大致地说出来以后,再把自己的答题思路 keywords 写下来。

接着来看看 simon 老师给出的参考答案,simon 老师并没有指出这里面的套路,但是这毕竟是外国人的思维方式,对我们而言我们要去熟悉这样的思维方式,也就是我们常见的口语套路——

1) How much time do you spend at home? Obviously I sleep at home, but I don't spend very much time at home during the day, because I'm usually busy with work.

先回答问题。再利用 because 进行原因的拓展。

2) Do you prefer to spend your free time at home or outside the house? During the day I prefer to be out of the house, so I like visiting family or meeting up with friends. But I do like relaxing at home in the evenings.

利用 but 进行转折、回答。利用白天和晚上进行切分,如此的切分方式还包括对老人、年轻人,对男人、女人,对学生、工作者等等。

3) What do you do when you have some free time and you're at home? I usually sit and watch some TV or a film, or I listen to some music. I also like sitting outside if the weather is nice.


4) Would you like to have more spare time to spend at home in the future? No, not really. I get bored if I'm at home for too long. In the future, I imagine I'll still prefer to go out and do things rather than stay indoors.


总结:上面的 Part 1 的回答方式,都是在拓展,在回答问题之后,无论是举例、转折还是解释原因,都是为了让自己不要一句话说完,用 2-3 句来回答问题。保持这样的回答问题的长度,保持这样的思维模式,让每次回答问题的时候都自由灵活地切换你的回答拓展方式就行!

接下来再看一个 house 的话题:

1) Do you live in a house or an apartment? I live in a semi-detached house with three bedrooms and a small garden.

加定语,最简单的拓展方式。with 的连接,也是进行补充。这是顺承连接,就是接着你的思路,感觉在写流水账一样,想啥说啥。

2) Which room do you like most in your house? Why? My favourite room is the kitchen because it looks out onto the back garden, and it's on the side of the house that catches the afternoon sun.


3) Is there anything about your house that you would like to change? Well, it would be nice if it were a detached house so that we could have windows on the wall that we currently share with our neighbours.

又是回答问题,然后解释原因(So that)。

4) Tell me something else about your house. The previous owners converted the loft into an extra bedroom; that's the quietest room in the house, and the best place to go to do some work.


Part 2套路:话唠

首先,引用 simon 老师的一句话:Focus on ideas / vocabulary. This is your best chance to impress the examiner with some nice language, especially if you've prepared for common topics in the way I suggest in my video lessons.

也就是说,在第二部分的准备的过程中,就一定要有一些闪光的想法或者是词汇,例如说你的外语能力,你可以说是 bilingual skills ,这样偶尔跳出来一些很漂亮的、同时是正确使用的词汇,会给你很多的加分,准备话题的过程中,就要时常用一些高级搭配。

Describe a time when you had to do something in a hurry. You should say - what you were doing - when this was - why you had to hurry - and explain how you felt at that time I’m going to talk about a time when I had to hurry to get ready for a trip with some colleagues while I was working in a previous job.

其实这是一句“套路话”。一开始的时候你可以准备那么一两句话作为开场白,你可以讲的很顺,然后自然而然地引出话题。上面的这个格式是 ok 的,或者说用 When it comes to this topic, I would like to talk about.... 之类的套路。

It was a Monday morning about five years ago. A group of us had to catch an early flight, and a senior member of our department had volunteered to drive us to the airport. I was supposed to be ready and waiting to be picked up from my home at 5.30am, and my colleague had asked me to look out for his car so that he didn’t have to ring my doorbell. The problem was that I overslept. I had set my alarm, but somehow I must have turned it off and carried on sleeping. Suddenly, at 5.30am, my doorbell rang and I looked over at my alarm clock. I immediately realised what had happened, and I sprang out of bed and got dressed in record time. I splashed some water on my face, quickly brushed my teeth, and put my shoes on without properly tying the laces. Then I picked up my suitcase and coat, and left the house.

我觉得看完这两段,你一定会惊叹于外国人描述一个事件的时候的详细程度。 Monday morning, five years ago 之类的一些时间的使用,so that ... 对原因的解释和对情况的描述,had volunteered to drive us.. 之类的表达可能在很多同学这里就被精简成为 my friend would drive us to the airport.. 所以,在平时备考的过程中,让自己成为一个“话唠”,非常的有必要。

I can still remember the moment when the doorbell woke me up and I saw the time: I was filled with a sense of panic and fear as I realised that my colleagues were waiting outside. Then, when I left my house and walked towards the awaiting car, I felt so embarrassed because it was obvious that I hadn’t been ready on time.

把自己的情绪描述得很详细,有明确的先后的过程,有 because 之类的解释,有对复杂情感的交织的描述,有用词组 a sense of panic 来替代 I feel... 的简单表达。

Part 3套路:逻辑

Idea, explain, example 的表达法 —— Start with a direct answer to the question, like the 'topic sentence' in a written paragraph. Then explain your answer in more detail, and support your explanation with an example.

这是 simon 老师给出的套路,其实和上面的第一部分的答题的方式是类似的,只是第三部分可以回答得更长一些,内容更加有深度一些,好比你第一部分只是加了解释 becasue... 或者 so that.. 的表达,然后回答就结束了,但是第三部分你最好再接一个 example 来佐证你的“理论”。

第二种回答方式是 Firstly, secondly, finally 的方式,在询问你原因之类的问题的时候,你可以先说有三种原因,即便你没想好有哪三种,反正先给个逻辑出来,然后再一二三地接你的话,你的回答会非常的完整。

Do you think there are too many game shows on TV nowadays? Why?

(answer) Yes, there are far too many game shows on TV for my liking. (explain) I suppose the channels show these programmes because they are popular, and they must be very profitable. (example) A good example is 'Who wants to be a millionaire?', which has been sold to TV channels across the world. (alternative) Personally, I'm not a fan of game shows, and I'd much rather watch a film or an original drama series.


好啦,本期的推送就到这里为止。感谢 simon 老师的伟大的无私奉献,能够成为我们今天来讲解的一个非常好的素材。口语的话,其实关键就是多练习,流利度永远是第一名的所在。不过,掌握好答题的套路,能够让你的回答更加有逻辑,能够给考官更加深刻的印象!

最后,也欢迎关注我@雅思冲鸭 !

关键字: 都有 / 哪些 / 考试 / 时候 / 技巧 / 口语 / 雅思 / 
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