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 2022-08-30 10:13  阅读 30

摘要:因为介词against有“靠,倚”的意思。如:I put the ladder against the wall.除此之外,还表示“与…竞争,对垒”。如:They played against the best team and won the game. 还有“反对”的意思。如: Im

因为介词against有“靠,倚”的意思。如:I put the ladder against the wall.除此之外,还表示“与…竞争,对垒”。如:They played against the best team and won the game. 还有“反对”的意思。如: I'm against the plan though many people are for it.还有“预防,防止”的意思。如:Have you had an injection against the disease?

关键字: 什么 / 为什么 / 意思 / 站在 / standing / against / 墙下 / 
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