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 2022-08-30 03:12  阅读 20

摘要:面条的英文:noodles。;面条的短语:;all kinds of noodles 各种面条;super noodles 超级面条;pentola in acciaio inox 面条锅;soybean milk noodle 浆面条;some noodles 一些面条;cold wheat noodles 爽口面条;

面条的英文:noodles。;面条的短语:;all kinds of noodles 各种面条;super noodles 超级面条;pentola in acciaio inox 面条锅;soybean milk noodle 浆面条;some noodles 一些面条;cold wheat noodles 爽口面条;扩展资料;用noodles造句:;

1、I would rather have noodles than rice.我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。;

2、Have you ever eaten noodles before?你以前吃过面条吗?;

3、It’s not a food of mass consumption, like noodles or rice.这可不像面条或大米一样,是大众能消费的食物。;

4、If there is a pot of noodles everyone is there, as if noodles were nutritious.要是有一罐面条在这里,那他们人人都喜欢,好像这很有营养一样。;

5、Most of these foods require inexpensive items such as beans, noodles, peanut butter and frozen veggies.大部分的这些食品需要廉价的物品,例如豆类,面条,花生酱和冷冻蔬菜。

关键字: 怎么 / 英语 / 面条 / 
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