Gu Kaizhi (346-407) is a famous painter in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, who is from Wuxi, Jinling (now Jiangsu). He was born in a scholar family, versatile, and famous for his "painting, talent and infatuation", and he was once a member of the army, standing in the army and standing in the service. Gu Kaizhi made an important contribution to the theory of Chinese painting and painting顾恺之(346~407)字长康,晋陵无锡(今属江苏)人,东晋大画家。他出身士族,多才多艺,以“画绝、才绝、痴绝”而驰名于世,曾任参军、散骑常侍等职。顾恺之对中国绘画及绘画理论作出了重要贡献