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 2022-08-27 00:46  阅读 25

摘要:All the firefighters had breakfast at eight oclock and cleaned the room and the outside after breakfast. The captain whistled, and the days training began. The training ground was set up in the warehouse of the mechanical and electrical com

All the firefighters had breakfast at eight o'clock and cleaned the room and the outside after breakfast. The captain whistled, and the day's training began. The training ground was set up in the warehouse of the mechanical and electrical company.

The firefighters in the training ground wore clothes and water hose. They practiced again and again. The heat will continue to practice, and their combat equipment will take off bandages and watch these lovely disappearances Defense officers, we can say that this is their day of work, three old people, family happiness, how many such a day they have.

关键字: 事迹 / 英文 / 介绍 / 消防员 / 
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