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 2022-08-26 02:25  阅读 9

摘要:My Study Plan In order to make my study more efficient, I usually make everyday study plan. Today is Monday. And my study plans are as follows : 1Finish maths, English, Chinese homework in time. 2 Review the materials which I learned last w

My Study Plan

In order to make my study more efficient, I usually make everyday study plan. Today is Monday. And my study plans are as follows :

1Finish maths, English, Chinese homework in time.

2 Review the materials which I learned last week.

3 After class, try to go to the library to do some reading.

4 Keep an English diary to write down what happens today.

5 If time permits, go for a walk with my classmates.

关键字: 作文 / 题的 / 学习计划 / 我的学习计划 / 
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