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my best friend英语作文(我最好的朋友英语作文60字)

 2022-08-25 21:15  阅读 30

摘要:My best friend Li Yuan is my best friend ,he is 14 years old.he has black hair and he has two big eyes,he is tall and thin.He likes smiles.he likes playing baskerball and tennis ,he often beats me.I like swimming and he like running,we also

My best friend

Li Yuan is my best friend ,he is 14 years old.he has black hair and he has two big eyes,he is tall and thin.He likes smiles.he likes playing baskerball and tennis ,he often beats me.I like swimming and he like running,we also like drawing ,he studies hard and gets good grades,he is outgoing,he likes talking with people ,I like him,and he is my best friend.

关键字: 作文 / 好的 / 英语 / friend / 我最 / 朋友 / 
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