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 2022-08-24 16:37  阅读 14

摘要:一、Dear classmates, I am here to introduce myself as the labor member of our class.It is my great honor to take this responsibility and I will set good example for you by doing my best to keep our classroom clean and take part in all kin

一、Dear classmates,

I am here to introduce myself as the labor member of our class.It is my great honor to take this responsibility and I will set good example for you by doing my best to keep our classroom clean and take part in all kinds of activities.
Give me a chance and I will not let you down!Thank you !

二、Dear classmates,I am here to introduce myself as the labor member of our class.It is my great honor to take this responsibility and I will set good example for you by doing my best to keep our classroom clean and take part in all kinds of activities.Give me a chance and I will not let you down!Thank you !

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