,大家应口语听力中或电影中经常看到这几个高频词,Amazing Fantastic Awesome 还有Remarkable wonderful extraordinary Great Fabulous 上他们属于一类同义词。口语中都可以表示:很不错,非常好,非常棒,太棒了。都是感情强烈表达正面的积极“非常好”的意思。 我专门问过一些国外英语教师,也都说没什么区别。我周围的老外也无法分辨出其中区别,都是凭感觉习惯使用。 口语中都可以互换使用,大家平时听到最多的,应该是:amazing,fantastic, awesome.其中Awesome最不正式。 “You’ve done an awesome job! ‘’ ‘’Her latest work is fantastic‘’ 如果从程度上比:Great相对其他较轻,但如语调表达加重意思也一样。 其中感叹句中用的较多的是: Amazing Fantastic Great 如“That’s fantastic!”。 All words can be used to mean impressive with special good quality or very excellent or extremely good。 All convey a totally different degree of enthusiasm ,it all depends on the tone of voice, the degree of excitement and the mood of the person These words can be used in similar ways. For example, any of the words above can be used in sentences like these: You’ve done an awesome job! Her latest work is fantastic. Great has the lowest intensity or strength. However, if it is spoken with enthusiastic intonation, it will have added intensity Awesome is the most informal, and younger people are most likely to use it. As an exclamation,speakers are most likely to use amazing, fantastic, or great as in sentence,“That’s amazing!” 至于你提到的super 也是extremely good 非常好的意思,但你应没见到super单独使用的,都是起到加强形容修饰的作用如:super man, super handsome super rich。。。