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 2022-08-20 18:55  阅读 19

摘要:用“be+地点+方位”造十个英语句子 be+地点+方位(介词):1. There are six boys standing on the rock.有六个男孩站在岩石上。 2. There is a computer in the middle of the room.房间的中央有一台电脑。 3.


be+地点+方位(介词):1. There are six boys standing on the rock.有六个男孩站在岩石上。

2. There is a computer in the middle of the room.房间的中央有一台电脑。

3. There are two men sitting in the living room.起居室里坐着两个男人。

4. There was a car parking in the front of the garage. 车库前面有一辆汽车停放著.5. There is a school at the south of the hospital.医院的南面有一所学校。

6. There were three small buildings next to the library.图书馆旁边有三幢小楼。

7. There is a girl sitting under the tree.那树下坐着一个女孩.8. There will be a big park near the supermarket next year.明年超市附近将有一个大公园。

9. There are four ships sailing north from the harbour.有四条船从港口向北航行。

10. There is a big sofa at the corner of the sitting room.起居室的角落里有一大沙发

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