2021年中高考热点作文是什么?可以从过去中高考作文命题中判断,可以从今年社会热点判断。2021高考最后几天我们应该关注4大社会热点。 梳理高考命题。过去三年中高考作文命题遵循...
最美的时光 时间,从指缝间匆匆流逝。 曾经天真幼稚的我们如今年少轻狂。不知淡忘了多少时光,就这样匆匆的成长了。青春,梦一般的青春。促使我们肆无忌惮地疯狂,在我们的世...
My best friend is Bill. She has short hair.She has two big eyes and a small mouth.She is tall and thin.She likes to do sports. She likes to play badminton and volleyball. Her favourite color is pink....
家是什么?家是温暖的牵挂,是爱心的理解,是温馨的港湾。 只有家才有了宽容,一个笑脸、在为你导航。家是港湾、是幸福的源泉。 是朝夕相伴摇篮,家是放松的地方。是感情的寄...
Everyone has a dream, but for me,becoming a lawyer might seem like a dream job.Because the job can help people when they have difficulies or trouble and I can try my best to make the world fair .I think it will be exciting!If I become a law...