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 2022-09-08 19:58  阅读 11

摘要:Every day, I'm eager to see her the familiar figure, I love the sound of her beautiful sounds, I forget the warmth of the moment when they met with her eyes, she is the light in my heart forever, wang teacher. Wang teacher looks beautiful,

Every day, I'm eager to see her the familiar figure, I love the sound of her beautiful sounds, I forget the warmth of the moment when they met with her eyes, she is the light in my heart forever, wang teacher.

  Wang teacher looks beautiful, delicate oval face with a pair of big eyes, still can take the place of the mouth "speak"! Small and exquisite nose with a cherry small mouth, a talkative shallow a smile, to the right of the mouth was a shallow dimples, looking at let a person heart fruity. Wang teachers don't like red peony gorgeous fire burning, but like a pure lily bloom quietly, silently with quietly elegant qing fang! Beside her, I would like a seagull, flying high, into a clear blue sky.

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