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 2022-09-03 05:44  阅读 4

摘要:Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing. It is the largest square in the world, with an area of 500000 square meters. The architectural history of new China should be written here, because it was born a few hours earlier than t

Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing. It is the largest square in the world, with an area of 500000 square meters. The architectural history of new China should be written here, because it was born a few hours earlier than the Republic. On September 30, 1949, the eve of the founding ceremony, Mao Zedong led all CPPCC members to Tiananmen Square and laid the first cornerstone of the monument to the people's heroes

关键字: 北京 / 六年级 / 英文 / 介绍 / 天安门 / 
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