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SUPERMARKET ME是什么意思(关于超市的一篇英语作文)

 2022-09-01 08:15  阅读 5

摘要:There is a supermarket near my home .It is convenient for me to buy daily things .It is very big . There are varieties of things there ,such as vegetables , school things , food and so on . The supermarket locates in the centre of the city

There is a supermarket near my home .It is convenient for me to buy daily things .It is very big . There are varieties of things there ,such as vegetables , school things , food and so on . The supermarket locates in the centre of the city .So there are always crowded with customers .Their service is good ,and the things sold there is cheaper .We all like to buy daily things there .祝学习进步,天天快乐!

关键字: 意思 / 是什么 / 英语 / 关于 / 一篇 / 超市 / SUPERMARKET / 
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