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die of 和die from的区别(dieout和dieof的区别)

 2022-08-26 23:37  阅读 21

摘要:die out 死光 die of 死于疾病、饥饿、 die from 常用死于创伤、交通事故 die for:为某种目的而献身、牺牲 还有,一个die off 是逐渐死去 例句 Many of them died of starvation. The soldier died from a wound i

die out 死光

die of 死于疾病、饥饿、

die from 常用死于创伤、交通事故

die for:为某种目的而献身、牺牲

还有,一个die off 是逐渐死去


Many of them died of starvation.

The soldier died from a wound in the breast.

Lots of them died for the cause of liberation.

the flowers are dying off because there has been no rain.

关键字: 区别 / dieout / 
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