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 2022-08-21 14:18  阅读 20

摘要:21。languages 22。supermarket 23。straight 24。hungry 25。ugly 26。lazy 27。dangerous 28。waiting 29。Caneras 30。weather 31。kind of 32。 having fun 33。terribly 34。hope 35。lying 36。gives 37。surprised 38。stories 39。

21。languages 22。supermarket 23。straight 24。hungry 25。ugly 26。lazy 27。dangerous 28。waiting 29。Caneras 30。weather 31。kind of 32。

having fun 33。terribly 34。hope 35。lying 36。gives 37。surprised 38。stories 39。shopping 30。shily 41。is wearing 42。telling me the way to 43。

is difficult 44。What subject 45。to be a newspaper reporter 46。doesn't do 47。Turn to the right 48。What are doing 49。What's like 50。

Witch man 51。are pkaying 52。are having 53。are flying 54。are swimming 55。are playing 56。is sitting 57。drawing 58。are swimming 59。

writing 60 get 61~80。ABBCADBDCBBABCDABDDB 81~90。BCCDAABDBD 91~100。ACCBABCBBC 101。rainy 102。windy 103。sunny 104。snowy 105。

snw 106~110。DBAEC

111。What's 112。but 113。If 114。By 115。Why 116。Because 117。playing 118。No 119。much 120。course


It's seven o'clock in the evening。

Tom's family is all at home。 Look! Tom is listening to music。 His grandparents are watching TV。 His father is reading and his mother is talking on the phone。

What's his little sister doing? Oh, she is playing with a cat。 What a happy family it is!



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