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 2022-08-21 08:48  阅读 18

摘要:提名一首经典老歌,Rivers of Babylon,由BONEY M.演唱。词曲情绪反差到大到简直无法相信是同一首歌。歌词的背景是公元前586年,奴役者命令流放在巴比伦的犹太人一起唱圣歌。诗词鉴赏有

提名一首经典老歌,Rivers of Babylon,由BONEY M.演唱。词曲情绪反差到大到简直无法相信是同一首歌。歌词的背景是公元前586年,奴役者命令流放在巴比伦的犹太人一起唱圣歌。诗词鉴赏有个什么说法来着,以动衬静,这首歌就是以欢乐(曲)趁悲伤(词)。整个歌词描述了演唱者满怀悲伤却被强迫唱颂圣歌,更加显现了犹太人悲惨的命运。Rivers Of Babylon(巴比伦河)(英文歌词) Mm…… Mm……  Ah…… Ah……  By the river of Babylon,  There we sat down.  Yeah we wept,  When we remembered Zion.  By the river of Babylon,  There we sat down.  Yeah we wept,  When we remembered Zion.  For there they that carried us away in captivity,  Requiring of us a song.  Now how shall we sing the Lord's song,  In a strange land.  For there they that carried us away in captivity,  Requiring of us a song.  Now how shall we sing the Lord's song,  In a strange land.  Ah…… Ah……  Ah…… Ah……  Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our  hearts be acceptable in thy sight here tonight,  Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our  hearts be acceptable in thy sight here tonight,  By the river of Babylon,  There we sat down.  Yeah we wept,  When we remembered Zion.  By the river of Babylon,  There we sat down.  Yeah we wept,  When we remembered Zion.  Ah…… Ah……  Ah…… Ah……  By the river of Babylon,  There we sat down.  Yeah we wept,  When we remembered Zion.

关键字: 歌词 / 汉化 / 巴比伦 / 巴比伦河 / 
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