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 2022-08-20 18:36  阅读 18

摘要:National Day_国庆节英语作文100字 October 1st is the National Day on October 1st, you will have a 7-day holiday on National Day, what will you do in these 7 days? I advise you not to stay at home, you should go out more. You can take

National Day_国庆节英语作文100字

October 1st is the National Day on October 1st, you will have a 7-day holiday on National Day, what will you do in these 7 days? I advise you not to stay at home, you should go out more. You can take a walk in the park with your parents, go to the supermarket shopping, or go out for a physical exercise with your friends, or go to the movies. In a word, you should spend the holiday meaningfully.

关键字: 作文 / 英语 / 国庆节 / 100个字 / 
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